Temple Teachings & Artisan Archive

“Our work is directed at helping all people who are hurting, who are searching — not just those who are interested in metaphysics or inclined to explore occultism.” (H. E. F.)

The Temple of The People was organized with two principles in mind: to celebrate the unity of all life, and to further human brother/sisterhood on earth through its teachings of religion, science and economics. The motto of The Temple of The People is: “Creeds Disappear, Hearts Remain.” To fulfill its commitment to humanity, The Temple of The People has dedicated itself to the publication and dissemination of these truths.

Read more about The Temple Teachings.

Purchase copies of The Temple Teachings and other Temple publications.

The Temple Teachings

In English

Please note: New editions of all three volumes of The Temple Teachings are currently being prepared. For the time being we have removed links to the prior digital versions. 

  • Temple Teachings, Volume One 
  • Temple Teachings, Volume Two 
  • Temple Teachings, Volume Three 

In French

In Spanish

In German

Russian coming soon.

Other Temple and Theosophical Literature

In English

Click here to view Paul Ivey’s presentation on Beacon Fires.

In French

In Russian

In Japanese

Temple Artisan Archive

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    • 1900s